Sustainability Statement

At Childhood Ink, we are committed to sustainability and reducing our environmental impact. We believe that by reducing and reusing prior to recycling, we can help make a positive impact on our planet and create a more sustainable future for generations to come.

Here are a few of our sustainable efforts:

We only sell second-hand books that have been gently used and donated by members of the community. By doing so, we are able to reduce the number of new books that are printed and ultimately end up in landfills. When purchasing in bulk, we purchase locally to avoid shipping heavy gas-guzzling boxes of books.

When purchasing furniture and supplies for our workroom and pop-up markets, we always look for second-hand options prior to purchasing new. This reduces the demand for new products, minimizes our environmental footprint, and helps support the local economy by keeping useful items in circulation.

We also reuse packaging materials whenever possible by collecting shipping supplies like bubble mailers and boxes from family and friends to use for our shipments. This reduces waste but also helps to reduce the amount of energy needed to produce new packaging materials.

Our business cards and printouts are printed on eco-friendly paper, which is made from recycled materials and are biodegradable. We also work with printers who use sustainable practices and materials in their production processes.

Overall, we are dedicated to promoting sustainability in every aspect of our business. We believe that by taking small steps to reduce our environmental impact, we can make a big difference. We are grateful for your support and look forward to continuing to work towards a more sustainable future together.

Thank you for choosing Childhood Ink for all of your children's book needs.